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Castle Newnham



"Pupils are safe and happy here"
"Pupils treat each other with respect, celebrating difference"
"The school has high ambitions for pupils"
"Pupil experience a broad curriculum"
"Pupils benefit from high-quality pastoral support"
"The curriculum is enriched by a wide range of clubs and educational visits"
"Pupils enjoy taking part in clubs, trip and the many performances put on by the performing arts department"

Ofsted 2024

Ofsted deemed Castle Lower School OUTSTANDING in October 2013.

Castle Newnham Secondary was deemed a GOOD school when they inspected the school in April 2024.

We are continuing to work towards becoming an outstanding school. Please click on the links below to read both reports:



Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school, by completing a short survey. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.

Complete an Ofsted Parent View survey.