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Castle Newnham


Castle Newnham PTA supports our primary school (nursery to year 6), raising money to directly benefit the pupils.

This is done through a variety of fundraising events, and working closely with the school it funds, fully or partially, projects and ongoing development for both school sites.

Anyone who has a child at the school or is a member of staff can get involved with the PTA, and there are a number of ways you can help, from helping with events, sending in ideas, donating to being part of the committee. Even if you can only donate an hour or two of your time, it really does make a difference.

The PTA is also a great way to meet other people and be involved with the school. The committee meets once a month to discuss forthcoming events and fundraising activities to raise money for the school.

Major events include the Christmas and Summer Fairs, as well as quiz and film nights! It’s a fantastic way of getting involved in your child’s school and is great fun!

In addition to the monthly meetings, the PTA Annual General Meeting is normally held in September, where the PTA reports back on its fundraising efforts from the previous year and also presents audited accounts to the parent body. Elections are then held for the forthcoming year.

The PTA works closely with staff and governors to support the education of all children at the school by ensuring that we have the necessary resources to underpin the school curriculum.

The PTA is currently raising money to fund a new outdoor classroom for the Castle Newnham Primary school playground. This will provide shade in the summer months but also an all-year-round outdoor teaching area. The group is also raising money to provide the school with a second minibus, enabling more pupils to have access to sporting events and activities in the local area.

Visit the PTA Facebook page to find out more.

For any further information, email to speak to the Chair of the PTA, Kathryn Bridge.