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Castle Newnham


At Castle Newnham School, we teach synthetic phonics following the (DfE approved) Twinkl Phonics scheme. The scheme is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme that provides a structured approach to learning grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs), perfect for helping children progress from simple sound recognition to developing more complex knowledge and skills needed for reading and writing. Twinkl Phonics has been developed to help children learn to decode with confidence.  Reading is a complex skill, and it is proven that phonics decoding strategies taught systematically give children the best chance of being able to read from an early age.  Our Reception children all learn phonics from the start of their schooling and all EYFS and KS1 pupils take home a range of decodable texts that are matched to our phonics scheme (Rhino Readers). Years 1 and 2 continue with phonics, moving from decoding simpler words to those with multiple syllables. All phonics texts are linked to the sounds they are learning (or have previously learnt) and should be re-read to help the child embed the learning in their long-term memories. At the end of Year 1, pupils sit the Phonics Screening Check. This gives the teachers and school a good indication of the decoding ability of each pupil.  We use this to ensure that our children progress through school, being able to decode with confidence and to match texts to their ability, so they learn to read for pleasure.