Behaviour Systems
Please see below the ‘Behaviour Response Systems’ for both primary and secondary phases.
Personal circumstances of the pupil will be taken into account when choosing consequences and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, ensuring fairness and consistency across all pupils.
Primary phase - reception to year 6
Yellow - Children will have some reflection time and be spoken to about their feelings and those of others.
SLT or Early Years Phase Lead will speak to the child. They will speak to the family about the behaviour displayed and will decide what happens next.
Serious or continued negative behaviours could include an internal isolation in school, fixed-term suspension from school or permanent exclusion from school.
Internal Isolation - removal from the peer group for a specific period of time.
Fixed Term Suspension - suspension for a specific length of time from school following a clear and detailed referral process.
Permanent Exclusion - permanent exclusion from school following a clear and detailed referral process.
Years 1 to 6
Yellow - Children will be spoken to about the behaviour displayed and about their feelings and those of others.
Red (3 x Yellow in 1 or 2 weeks is Red.) The family is informed about the behaviour displayed. Reflection time at the next break/lunch for 15 minutes takes place with the Phase Lead where a reflection form will be completed with the pupil to discuss the behaviour, how the pupil was feeling, feelings of others involved and strategies to avoid this happening again.
Continued Red behaviour, 3 x Red in a week or serious negative behaviour. A member of SLT will speak to the child. They will speak to the family about the behaviour displayed and will decide what happens next.
This could include an internal isolation in school, fixed-term suspension from school or permanent exclusion from school.
Internal Isolation - removal from the peer group for a specific period of time.
Fixed Term Suspension - suspension for a specific length of time from school following a clear and detailed referral process.
Permanent Exclusion - permanent exclusion from school following a clear and detailed referral process.
secondary phase - year 7 to year 11
Years 7 to 11
Restorative conversation with an adult following a warning with a chance to change the behaviour being displayed.
Yellow Behaviour Hub - 30 minute after school silent reflection participating in restorative work.
Red Behaviour Hub - 45 minute after school silent reflection participating in restorative work.
Senior Leadership Behaviour Hub - 60 minute after school silent reflection on behaviour choices and other restorative work.
Extended Senior Leadership Behaviour Hub - 75 minutes after school of silent reflection on behaviour choices and other restorative work.
Pastoral Isolation - removal from the peer group for a specific period of time. Any pupil receiving isolation as a consequence for behaviour will be required to arrive at school promptly for 9:00am and will remain in school until 4:30.
Fixed Term Suspension - suspension for a specific length of time from school following a clear and detailed referral process.
Permanent Exclusion - permanent exclusion from school following a clear and detailed referral process.