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Castle Newnham

Hospitality & Catering

Our Vision for Hospitality and Catering

At Castle Newnham our food curriculum is designed to equip our pupils with all the essential skills required to be able to prepare and cook a wide range of dishes. We aim to inspire pupils by learning in an engaging, fun environment where they learn the crucial life skill so they have the ability to feed themselves and others affordably and well. We teach them to apply the key principles of nutrition and healthy eating and ultimately, develop a love for home cooking.

Curriculum Intent

The intent of the Hospitality & Catering curriculum at Castle Newnham is to develop students that are passionate, engaged, enthusiastic and knowledgeable about food and the hospitality & catering industry.

Students will:

  • Understand how to feed themselves and others. Pupils will learn how to cook nutritional meals, a crucial life skill.
  • Have the ability to plan, prepare and present different foods and dishes from a variety of cultures.
  • Understand how to produce food safely following industry guidelines.
  • Develop the transferable skills of time management, communication, organisation, planning and problem solving.
  • Be prepared to transition from KS3 to KS4 with the skills, knowledge & enthusiasm for the subject to excel at KS4.
  • Have the opportunity to experience a balanced and varied curriculum, allowing them to participate in a wide variety of activities covering practical skills lessons, industry visits, product analysis, professional demonstrations and applied learning.
  • Apply mathematical knowledge to their understanding of cooking & catering. Including, timing, measuring, estimating and weighing.
  • Make positive life choices around health and diet
  • Have a clear understanding of a range of cooking skills

Special Educational Needs Disability (SEND) / Pupil Premium / Higher Attainers

All children will have Quality First Teaching. Any children with identified SEND or in receipt of pupil premium funding will have reasonable adjustments made that are additional to or different from their peers in order to support them to access the curriculum. All reasonable adjustments made are based around the individual and their needs.

As well as this, our school offers a demanding and varied curriculum, providing children with a range of opportunities in order for them to reach their full potential and consistently achieve highly from their starting points.

Year Group Content

Year 7

During year 7, our pupils will experience and enjoy 1 full term of food technology. These lessons are 100% practical to allow pupils to develop the necessary kitchen skills to progress and become kitchen confident. Pupils are assessed in four main strands, creativity, independence, skill set & responsibility. Recipes in year 7 are designed to allow pupils to develop a love of traditional British cooking, focusing on classic and transferable kitchen skills.

7.1 Kitchen safety

7.2 Skills tests

7.3 The science of bread

7.4 The rubbing in method

7.5 Family meals

7.6 Enriched bread

7.7 Healthy snacks

Year 8

Year 8 pupils will continue and build on their learning from year 7, with another full term of food technology lessons. Pupils build on skills previously learnt, by making dishes increasing in difficulty. We develop the transferable skills of time management, communication, organisation, planning and problem solving. Recipes in year 8 will introduce our pupils to food from different cultures to appreciate the wide variety of flavours and food styles from across the world. Pupils will be assessed in four main strands, creativity, independence, skill set & responsibility.

8.1 Health & safety

8.2 Skills tests

8.3 Curry pastes

8.4 Fakeaways

8.5 Shortcrust pastry

8.6 Breakfast

8.7 Cupcakes

Year 9

All year 9 pupils will continue their food technology journey with another full term of practical cooking lessons. At this stage, our pupils have the practical skills required to be able to cook a variety of dishes. They have the ability to plan, prepare and present different foods and dishes from a variety of cultures. It is important to us that every pupil finishes their food technology journey at Castle Newnham with the understanding of how to feed themselves and others, independently.

9.1Skills tests

9.2 Family favourites

9.3 Lunch

9.4 Desserts

9.5 Blind baking

9.6 Dishes with multiple components

9.7 Celebration cakes


Pupils who elect to continue their journey in cooking will have the opportunity to study Hospitality & Catering in years 10 and 11. We follow the WJEC Level 1 / 2 Award, a specification that combines practical catering skills with the theory of the hospitality industry. Our pupils have the opportunity to experience a balanced and varied curriculum, allowing them to participate in a wide variety of activities covering practical skills lessons, industry visits, product analysis, professional demonstrations and applied learning. These valuable learning experiences help pupils develop the technical and practical expertise needed to confidently cook and prepare meals for themselves and others. KS4 assessment is in two strands which are Unit 1, the Hospitality & Catering Industry and Unit 2 Hospitality & Catering in Action

Year 10

Unit 1 (Theory)

  • AO1 Understand the environment in which the hospitality & Catering providers operate
  • AO4 Know how food can cause ill health

Unit 2 (Controlled assessment)

  • Introduction to medium and high cooking skills
  • Controlled assessment mock

Year 11

Unit 1 (Theory)

  • AO3 Understanding how hospitality & Catering provision meet health & safety requirements
  • AO2 Understanding how the hospitality & Catering provision operates

Unit 2 (Controlled assessment)

  • Controlled assessment 60%