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Castle Newnham


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is taught to support our pupils as they move through the school. We aim to give our pupils the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves safe, healthy and happy as they grow up, and to help them make the right choices, develop confidence and self-esteem; ultimately preparing them for their future life and work in modern Britain.

In Primary, PSHE is taught by the class teacher.

In Secondary, PSHE is taught by the PSHE teaching team.

Our young people are given the opportunity to explore issues that may, at times, be personal and sensitive with staff and pupils they know well.

Our PSHE curriculum has three main themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Throughout the year, pupils work through different themes and we tailor events such as workshops, guest speakers and assemblies to support their PSHE education. 

Treating others with consideration and mutual respect, being thoughtful in actions and planning for the future as responsible citizens are intended outcomes.

In primary,  Year 1 to 6, we use an adapted version of the programme Jigsaw as a scheme to teach our PSHE curriculum. In secondary, the programme has been designed by the Head of PSHE using the PSHE Association resources, in addition to materials designed by the teaching team.

If you think you would like to discuss withdrawing your child from Sex Education lessons, please contact the school, for the attention of Mr Dawson (Primary) or Mr Stevens (Secondary) - Assistant Headteachers for the Curriculum. Please note that you are not permitted to withdraw your child from Relationships and/or Health education.

For further information, please visit the government website - the right to be excused from sex education information is detailed on pages 17-18.