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Castle Newnham

Assessment & Exams

During your child’s educational journey at Castle Newnham, their attainment and progress will be continually assessed, with statutory assessments taking place at the start and end of Reception, the end of Key Stage 1, the end of Key Stage 2 and the end of Key Stage 4. In addition, there is also a statutory Phonics check at the end of Year 1 and a statutory Multiplication Table Check at the end of Year 4.

Should you require the information provided on this page or attachment in an alternative format, please contact the school office.

primary - reception to year 6

From Year 1 to Year 6 at Castle Newnham, our teachers complete a summative assessment of the children every 12 weeks in Reading, Writing and Maths. This is done using continual teacher judgements made during lessons and is supported by the use of assessment papers for Reading and Maths in Years 2-6. In Nursery and Reception, teachers continually assess against the 17 early learning goals (ELGs), reporting children's attainment every 12 weeks in line with Years 1-6. All of this assessment data is recorded by class teachers on our in-house data management system and then analysed by teachers and senior leaders. In order to ensure that the data recorded for children is robust and accurate, we hold moderation meetings in year teams and phase groups as well as pupil progress meetings in phase groups, where individual children are discussed and next steps planned for. 


Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)

At the start of Reception, all children are assessed using the RBA. The RBA is a short task-based assessment which assesses children’s starting points in language, communication and literacy and mathematics. Pupils use practical resources to complete these tasks and teachers record the results on a laptop, computer or tablet. It is not used to label or track individual pupils. Schools are required to carry out the assessment within the first 6 weeks of pupils starting reception. No numerical score is shared and the data will only be used at the end of year 6 to form the school-level progress measure. However, teachers will receive a series of short, narrative statements that tell them how their pupils performed in the assessment. These are used to inform teaching within the first term.

More information can be found about the Reception Baseline Assessment here.

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

Reception teachers will complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile in the final term of Reception. Assessments are ongoing (formative) and based on teachers’ judgements taken from day-to-day observations. Once teachers have completed the profile, a judgement is made on each pupil against each early learning goal (ELG), of which there are 17. The judgement will say whether, at the end of the EYFS, a pupil’s learning and development is:

  • Expected: best described by the level of development expected; or

  • Emerging: not yet at the level of development expected


During June of Year 1, all children undertake the phonics screening check. The check consists of 40 words and non-words that your child will be asked to read one-on-one with a teacher. Non-words (or nonsense words, or pseudo words) are a collection of letters that will follow phonics rules your child has been taught, but don’t mean anything – your child will need to read these with the correct sounds to show that they understand the phonics rules behind them. The 40 words and non-words are divided into two sections – one with simple word structures of three or four letters, and one with more complex word structures of five or six letters. The teacher administering the check with your child will give them a few practice words to read first – including some non-words – so they understand more about what they have to do. Each of the non-words is presented with a picture of a monster / alien, as if the word were their name (and so your child doesn't think the word is a mistake because it doesn't make sense!).

Examples of materials from previous years phonic screening checks can be found here.

Information about our phonics at Castle Newnham School can be found here

Key Stage 1 (Non-statutory after 2023)

Your child’s teacher is responsible for judging the standards your child is working at in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science, by the end of Key Stage 1. To help inform those judgments, pupils sit national curriculum tests in English and mathematics, commonly called SATs. They may also sit an optional test in English grammar, punctuation and spelling. The tests are a tool for teachers to help them measure your child’s performance and identify their needs as they move into Key Stage 2. They also allow teachers to see how your child is performing against national expected standards. The tests can be taken any time during May and they are not strictly timed. Pupils may not even know they are taking them as teachers will incorporate them into everyday classroom activities. 

Teachers will use the results from these tests, along with the work your child has done throughout the year, to help them reach their own judgments about how your child is progressing at the end of Key Stage 1. These teacher assessment judgements will be reported to you in your child’s end of year report.

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

The Multiplication Tables Check is statutory for all Year 4 pupils in England. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help us to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided where necessary. The check is undertaken on a laptop or iPad and consists of 25 questions up to 12x12 which children have 6 seconds to answer each question. The check is undertaken during a 4 week window in June each year. Throughout Years 3 & 4, children practise this form of answering times table questions using Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) and therefore by the summer of Year 4, the assessment style is second nature. 

Key Stage 2

If you have a child in year 6, at the end of Key Stage 2, they will take national curriculum tests in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling; Reading and Mathematics. The tests help measure the progress pupils have made and identify if they need additional support in a certain area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data. The Key Stage 2 tests will be taken on set dates in May unless your child is absent, in which case they may be able to take them up to 5 school days afterwards. 

At the end of the summer term, you will receive test results for:

 • English grammar, punctuation and spelling

 • English reading 

 • Mathematics 

As there is no test for Writing, this will be reported as a teacher assessment judgement. This is a judgement teachers will make, based on your child’s work at the end of Key Stage 2. You will also receive a teacher assessment judgement for science. 


Year 2 Assessments - Useful Information

Reading Resources Booklet:

Mark schemes:





Year 6 Assessments - Useful Information

Reading Resource Booklet: 

Mark Schemes:




Along with this copyright licence: 

secondary - key stage 4 exams


You will find all the information you need in relation to the Year 11 exams on our website. We hope you find the information published here helpful.

If you would like further information or clarification, please contact our Exams Team by calling the office number (01234 303403) or by emailing 

You will need to read and be aware of some important documentation in terms of procedures and supporting your child to prepare for their GCSEs. 

Exams news

Government updates here:


Certificates can be collected from the main school office during term time between 8.30am and 3.30pm.

Please remember your certificates are legal documents that you will need in the future. Please look after them as replacements will cost approximately £50 per certificate to replace.

Certificates for Summer 2024 will be available from the 1st December 2024. More information to follow. 

Exams 2025

Summer Exams 2025 will take place between Wednesday 7th May - Thursday 19th June. Please note there will be contingency sessions on Wednesday 11th June (afternoon) and all day Wednesday 25th June. Pupils should be available until these dates have passed.

Exam boards September 2024 – June 2025

Subject (Exam Board) Code
English Literature (AQA) 8702
English Language (AQA) 8700
Combined Science Trilogy (AQA) 8464
Triple science – Biology (AQA) 8461
Triple science – Chemistry (AQA) 8462
Triple science – Physics (AQA) 8463
Entry Level Certificate Science (AQA) 5960
Art (Fine Art) (AQA) 8202
Design Tech (AQA) 8552
Drama (AQA) 8261
Dance (AQA) 8236
Religious Studies (AQA) 8062
Classical Civilisation (OCR) J199
Physical Education (OCR) J587
Maths (foundation) (OCR) J560
Sports Studies (Cambridge National) (OCR) J829
Maths (higher) (PEARSON/EDEXCEL) 1MA1
Home cooking skills BTech  (PEARSON/EDEXCEL)  
Functional Skills (Entry level) English and Maths  (PEARSON/EDEXCEL)  
Hospitality & Catering (Vocational awards L1/2) (WJEC)


Music (EDUQAS) C660
BTEC Enterprise - Level 1 and 2  (PEARSON/EDEXCEL)  


Information for parents and pupils

The Learning Records Service

All pupils in year 9 are assigned a Unique Learner Number (ULN). They are required to have this before sitting any GCSEs and this is then recorded on exam result slips and certificates. The ULN enables them to access a verified online record of achievements and qualifications continuously throughout their education and career. To find out how to do this please click here:

To read the privacy notice for the Learning Record Service, please click here:

Other useful links

Please see our Policies page for further information